
What is The Long Way?

The Long Way is a project that explores the cultivation of practical wisdom and the craft of vocation in pursuit of goods that don’t come quickly. The Long Way resists the default settings of life in order to build something better.

Who writes The Long Way?

Your fellow traveler is Caleb Bassett, a Lutheran minister, husband, and father. He resides in the north part of San Diego County, California.

What themes does The Long Way explore?

The Long Way seeks to articulate several important themes.

  • Christian freedom offers opportunity for genuine pleasure and enjoyment
  • Growth in knowledge and wisdom are natural fruits of faith
  • Vocation is often best celebrated as an art or a craft
  • Thoughtful, non-partisan cultural commentary is useful and enlightening
  • Patterns and practices are vital to the culvitation of virtue and character
  • What matters most does not come quickly and will rarely gather an audience

Is a Membership required?

For the most part, yes. This project is not designed to be something that goes viral or scales in popularity. Anonymous readers are not the goal.